新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大数据下的2015——移动游戏数据分享会


2015-- mobile games under the big data data sharing session

2016-01-05 16:30:36来源: 电玩巴士

2016年1月13至14日,第三届移动游戏产业年度高峰会将在厦门国际会议中心举办,移动游戏数据分享会将如期举办。 “移动游戏数据分享会”由移动游戏数企业家联盟(MGEA)发起,专业游戏媒体口袋巴士联合友盟作为中国专业的移动大数据服务平台及移动开发者服务平台、共同对年度事件进行盘点,以...

January 2016 13-14 May, the third mobile game industry annual summit will be held in Xiamen International Conference Center, a mobile game data sharing will be held as scheduled. "Mobile game data sharing session" sponsored by several mobile games Entrepreneurs Union (MGEA), professional gaming media pocket bus United Friends of the Union as a China professional mobile data services platform and large developer of mobile platform services, common annual events inventory, in ...

标签: 游戏 大数据