新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《画江山》渐入家境1月8日火爆开启


"Painting jiangshan" opened on January 8, gradually into the family hot

2016-01-05 16:48:59来源: 新浪

新年伊始,去哪里玩耍比较好呢?《画江山》给你推荐好去处,《画江山》贺岁封测将于火爆开启,全新版本全新内容将会带来新年全新感受。不仅游戏会出新系统,时装也将同步上线,让你新年换新衣。并且只要登录就有机会获得IPAD MINI! 《画江山》官方网站 家园系统温情来袭 一直以来,《画...

At the beginning of the New Year, where to play better? Give you recommend a good place for painting jiangshan, "painting jiangshan" hesui testing will open in the hot, new version new content will bring new feeling in the New Year. New system, the game will not only fashion will also be synchronized online, let you in new clothes in the New Year. And as long as login to have access to the MINI! The painting jiangshan warmth to the official website of home system For a long time, the picture...