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LGD重磅韩援入驻斗鱼TV Joker专访助阵LPL

LGD blockbuster Han Yuan in TV interviews with Joker selectively LPL

2016-01-05 22:21:57来源: 天极网

经过2015赛季的洗礼,LPL赛区即将迎来2016年《英雄联盟》职业联赛春季赛。新格局已经开启,各大战队纳新换血、枕戈待旦,剑指最终的冠军桂冠。这又将是一场胶着而激烈的荣耀之战,斗鱼TV将对本次赛事进行全程直播,诚意献出最前沿、最流畅、最具互动性和观赏性的饕餮盛宴。 Joker直播间...

Through the baptism of the 2015 season, LPL division will soon celebrate spring "hero alliance" professional league match in 2016. Recruiting new pattern is open, the war team changes, alert, sword refers to the crown. It's going to be a stalemate and fierce battle for the glory of the betta TV will broadcast live across the world, the event sincerely dedicate a cutting edge, the smooth, the most interactive and view and admire a gender to gorge. Joker studio...