新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无限上司战斗力提升途径有哪些 战斗力提升攻略

无限上司战斗力提升途径有哪些 战斗力提升攻略

What are infinitely superior fighting capacity promotion way effective promotion strategy

2016-01-05 16:33:22来源: 4399

在无限上司游戏中,玩家通过哪些途径提升战斗力呢?4399小编为大家总结了以下职员升级、强化、升星等六种提升战斗力的方法,希望对大家有帮助。 【途径一:职员升级】 职员可通过关卡或者使用经验药水进行升级。游戏中经验药水有小中大三种型号供选择,对应每种型号的药水容量都是不一样的。并且每个...

In infinite boss in the game, players improve battle effectiveness through what way? Small make up to 4399 summarized the following staff to upgrade and strengthen, magnitude six ways to improve battle effectiveness, hope to help everyone. The way a: upgrade 】 clerks can experience through checkpoints or use potions to upgrade. The game experience potions have small three kinds of models to choose, corresponding to each type of liquid capacity is not the same. And each...