新关注 > 信息聚合 > 引领共享时代驾驭数据浪潮 2016全球大数据峰会在..

引领共享时代驾驭数据浪潮 2016全球大数据峰会在..

Leading share time manage data wave the 2016 global summit in the large data.

2016-01-21 11:41:01来源: 中国日报网


On January 20, 2016, by the global alliance for big data (GBDC), the global alliance for mobile games (GMGC), the world organization for O2O (WOO), photosynthetic capital hosting, Internet society of China (ISC) O2O working group, Chinese automobile circulation association (CADA) in support of the 2016 global summit on big data GBDC2016, held at the national conference center. The event attracted from IBM, Ta...

标签: 大数据