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大数据:网游行业高薪最多 VR开发受到热捧

Big data: online games industry pay most popular VR development

2016-02-23 11:30:11来源: 游久网

【游久网2月23日消息】据杭州网报道,最近,来自IT科技界的一个消息,可能比年初那波寒潮更冷。有国外市场调研知名分析师表示,未来12个月,主流科技公司的裁员将达到33.3万人,其部分原因在于云计算的发展,企业IT部门的后端运营可能不再需要那么多人员了。 不过,IT相关行业总体薪资优势...

[swim long nets February 23], hangzhou net reported recently, a message from the IT technology, might be more cold than at the start of the cold wave. With foreign well-known market research analysts said that over the next 12 months, the mainstream technology company layoffs will reach 333000 people, the part of the reason is that the development of cloud computing, back-end operations of the enterprise IT department may no longer need so many people. However, the IT industry overall wage advantage...

标签: 网游 VR 大数据