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戴着PS VR2,也能查看现实中周边的环境

Wearing PS VR2, you can also view the surrounding environment in reality

2022-07-27 09:47:14来源: 游戏时光

索尼互动娱乐在昨晚带来了自家新一代 VR 设备 PS VR2 的新信息。这次介绍了新功能透视视野、玩游戏的同时发布信息、自定义游玩区域、VR 模式和影院模式。 使用 PS VR2,即使戴着头显,玩家也可以使用新功能「透视视野」查看周围环境。例如,如果你想在戴上头显后找到一个 PS VR2 Sense 控制器,不需要再摘下头显了,非常便捷。不过,由于「透视视野」是一种视觉功能,无法进行视频录制。 头显的正面嵌入了一个摄像头,你可以按下功能按钮或选择新添加到 PS5 控制中心的对应的菜单选项进入 PS VR2 的设置菜单里切换头显的显示模式,可以选择显示周边环境或游戏画面。 控制中心里还可以进行游

Sony interactive entertainment brought new information about its new generation VR device PS VR2 last night. This time, we introduced the new functions of perspective vision, releasing information while playing games, customizing the play area, VR mode and theater mode& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; With PS VR2, players can use the new function "perspective view" to view the surrounding environment even with the head mounted display. For example, if you want to find a PS VR2 sense controller after putting on the headset, you don't need to take off the headset anymore, which is very convenient. However, because "perspective field of vision" is a visual function, video recording cannot be performed& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; A camera is embedded in the front of the head display. You can press the function button or select the corresponding menu option newly added to the ps5 control center to enter the setting menu of PS VR2 to switch the display mode of the head display, and you can choose to display the surrounding environment or game screen& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; You can also swim in the control center

标签: VR PS