新关注 > 信息聚合 > C罗姐姐:伊莲娜对C罗而言已经“死了”


C Luo sister: Elena has been "dead"

2015-03-17 13:01:24来源: 新浪

曾经的金童玉女,已经分道扬镳 新浪体育讯 近日,C罗的姐姐艾玛接受采访时表示,伊莲娜对C罗而言,已经“死了”。 去年年底,C罗跟女友伊莲娜结束了5年的男女朋友关系,C罗在2015年的状态不佳...

once the couple of C Luo, have part company each going his own way of sina sports dispatch recently, said C Lo's sister Elmar in an interview, Elena C, has died. "". At the end of last year, C Luo and his girlfriend Elena ended a 5 year relationship between male and female friends, C, in 2015 the state...