新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谢贤当众掌掴曾江 记者会半途愤然拂袖离场

谢贤当众掌掴曾江 记者会半途愤然拂袖离场

Xie publicly slapped had reporter Jiang will midway angrily stormed leave

2015-08-14 17:31:28来源: 中国青年网

谢贤当众掌掴曾江 《四个小生去旅行》记者会在某酒店举行,其中发生的谢贤当众掌掴曾江小插曲瞬间引爆网络,四哥脾气火爆事后称无和解可能。今天上午,霆锋和妈咪拉姑现身养和医院,有传是因霆锋儿子发烧入院...

TSE publicly slapped Jiang had the four niche to travel "the reporter will be held in a hotel, which the TSE publicly slapped had Jiang episode instant detonating network, Mahone temper hot later said no reconciliation may. This morning, Nicholas and Mommy Deborah appeared in the hospital, there is Nicholas son have a fever hospital...