新关注 > 信息聚合 > 主持人伊一推出新书《奔跑吧伊一》


A host of Iraq launched a new book "run the Iran"

2015-09-23 11:38:34来源: 新华报业网

以书会友,自古有之。爱书之人捧一册好书,约三五好友,分享读书心得,畅谈读书乐趣,别有一番滋味。昨天下午,在浙江传媒学院小剧场内,就举行了这样一场“以书会友”的读书分享会活动。 活动名为“奔跑吧下...

to the membership, since ancient times. The people love the book with a good book, about three five friends, sharing reading experience, talk about the joy of reading, don't have a taste. Yesterday afternoon, in Zhejiang Institute of media, a small theater, held on the such a "with the book" Friends of the read sharing activities. Activity name "run down...