新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015HONMA高尔夫会员巡回赛首站圆满收杆


2015HONMA golf membership Tour golf membership match first station perfect pars

2015-09-19 06:46:56来源: 新浪

HONMA高尔夫会员巡回赛首站 北京时间2015年9月17日,2015 HONMA高尔夫会员巡回赛首站在广州麓湖高尔夫俱乐部圆满收杆,百余名来自华南地区的杆主同台竞技,尽享高球之悦。经过激烈的角...

HONMA tour race in the first station of Beijing time on September 17, 2015, 2015 Honma golf membership tour match first station in Guangzhou Luhu Golf Club to a successful pars, hundreds of from South China area of the main stem to compete and enjoy golf Yue. After a fierce angle...