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日内瓦赛瓦林卡三盘胜罗索尔 携6号种子进八强

Day 内瓦赛瓦林卡 three wins Lothal carrying the No. 6 seed into the quarter-finals

2015-05-21 10:14:11来源: 新浪

瓦林卡在比赛中 头号种子斯坦 瓦林卡在周三的日内瓦公开赛首秀中历经三盘,战胜了卢卡斯 罗索尔。 瑞士人耗时96分钟,以6-4、3-6、6-3战胜了捷克人。他在比赛中发出了6个ace球,兑现了8个破发点中的3个。 瓦林卡在赛后表示:“我非常高兴能赢得这场胜利。我今天打得不错,我...

Top seed Stan Wawrinka Wawrinka after three games on Wednesday in Geneva Open debut, a victory over Lucas Lothal. The Swiss took 96 minutes to 6-4,3-6,6-3 victory over the Czechs. He sent six balls ace in the race, to honor the eight break points in three. Wawrinka said after the game: "I am very happy to win this victory today I played well, I ....