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春节特惠 联想 Y50-70AM-IFI价格5850

The Spring Festival price ex gratia Lenovo Y50-70AM-IFI 5850

2015-02-13 07:44:56来源: 新浪

文章来源太平洋电脑网联想 Y50-70AM-IFI笔记本采用了金属黑色的顶盖,顶盖上有类似拉丝工艺、互相交错的细致斜纹;机身线条刚劲有力、体现着一种霸气,是一款强劲酷炫的游戏影音本。近日该机最新售价...

source Pacific computer nets Lenovo Y50-70AM-IFI notebook using the top black metal, detailed twill similar drawing process, crossed the top cover; body bold powerful lines, embodies a bully gas, is a strong cool game this. Recently the machine is the latest price...