新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本网民神评范冰冰 明星COS武媚娘谁最媚?

日本网民神评范冰冰 明星COS武媚娘谁最媚?

Japanese Internet users of God on Fan Bingbing star COS Wu Mei Niang who most pro?

2015-01-24 13:54:38来源: 南方网

由范冰冰、李治廷、张丰毅等主演的电视剧《武媚娘传奇》正在热播。近日,更有五月天的歌迷心血来潮,把五月天的阿信也P成了武媚娘,美艳妆容毫无违和感。 新华网日本频道综合:由范冰冰、李治廷、张丰毅等主演的电视剧《武媚娘传奇》正在热播。22日晚,范冰冰饰演的武媚娘正式被封昭仪,与李治廷饰演的...

by Fan Bingbing, Aarif Lee, Fengyi Zhang starred in the TV series "the legend of Wu" is hit. More recently, May day fans be prompted by a sudden impulse, the May day Axin P became the Wu Mei Niang, beauty makeup without acosmia feeling. Xinhuanet.com Japan comprehensive channel: by Fan Bingbing, Aarif Lee, Fengyi Zhang starred in the TV series "the legend of Wu" is hit. 22 evening, Fan Bingbing plays the Wu Mei Niang was officially Feng Zhaoyi, and Aarif Lee plays...