新关注 > 信息聚合 > 稳了!巨头亲承巴神回归:这是他最后的机会了


Stable! Giant Pro bearing bar of God regression: This is his last chance the

2015-08-24 08:16:24来源: 新浪

巴神即将重返圣西罗 新浪体育讯 巴洛特利要回AC米兰?几天之前这绝对是一个无人相信的传闻,但如今这一切正在变成事实。当地时间周六晚上,AC米兰主教练米哈伊洛维奇在佛罗伦萨会面了巴神,而巴神已经得...

the bar of God will return to the San Siro of sina sports dispatch Balotelli wanted to return to AC Milan? A few days ago this was a rumor that no one believed, but now it is becoming a reality. Local time on Saturday night, AC Milan coach Mikhailovich in Florence met with the Pakistani God, while the Pakistani God has been...