新关注 > 信息聚合 > 港媒:大理大学宿舍变青旅 博士可免费住三晚

港媒:大理大学宿舍变青旅 博士可免费住三晚

Hong Kong media: Dali University dormitory variable CYTS, can live free media reported 7 months later reference

2015-07-08 09:47:40来源: 参考消息

参考消息网7月8日报道 外媒称,今年暑假期间,云南大理大学将学生宿舍变成“青年旅社”,向社会游客开放预订,所得的收入将用来资助贫困学生。但这种做法也引起不少人质疑学校的安保问题。大理大学相关负责人回应称,学校有完善的安保体系和后勤保障体系。 据香港《南华早报》网站7月7日报道,每年寒暑...

News 8. During the summer of this year, Yunnan Dali University the student dormitory into "youth hostel" and to be booked to the society open to the tourists, the income will be used to support poor students. But this approach has also caused many people to question the security of the school. Relevant person in charge of the University of Dali said that the school has a sound security system and logistics security system. According to Hongkong's "South China Morning Post" website reported on July 7th, the annual summer...