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薄过4.75mm? 金立总裁爆MWC发超薄新机

Thin 4.75mm? CEO detonation MWC hair ultrathin new machine

2015-02-14 12:15:10来源: 新浪

随着MWC 2015开幕日期临近,越来越多的厂商发布了新品邀请函,国产大厂金立也不例外。日前金立总裁卢伟冰在微博上透露,将于3月2日在西班牙巴塞罗那发布超薄新机,引来众多网友猜测。 2月13日,...

with MWC 2015 opening date draws near, more and more manufacturers released new invitations, domestic Dachang Jin is no exception. Recently CEO Lu Weibing in micro-blog revealed, will release the ultra-thin new machine in Spain in Barcelona in March 2nd, attracted numerous netizen guess. February 13th.