新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江海洋运动会:沙滩竞技彰显海岛民俗


Zhejiang Ocean Games: Beach Sports highlight Island folk

2015-06-18 20:02:44来源: 中国新闻网

6月18日,浙江省第二届海洋运动会第三赛段比赛在桃花岛开赛,该赛段共有海岛户外挑战赛、沙滩大力士、沙滩太极拳和沙滩拔河4个大项的比赛,沙滩竞技彰显海岛民俗。 据悉,此届海洋运动会所设项目皆具有浓...

6 month 18,, Zhejiang Province, the second session of the motion in the ocean will be the third stage of the competition at the start of the Peach Blossom Island, the stage of total Island Outdoor Challenge Tournament, beach Hercules, beach Taijiquan and beach tug of war four big game, beach sports highlight Island folk. It is reported that this session of the marine sports clubs have a strong project...