新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《琅琊榜》要拍第二部!胡歌王凯靳东均参演庭生..


"Langya List" to shoot the second part! Hu Ge Wang Kai Jin East are participating Chambers of Health ..

2016-01-28 17:51:33来源: 河北新闻网

之前就听《琅琊榜》的制作人侯鸿亮说过,会拍第二部!是一个全新的故事,但是还存在琅琊阁和琅琊榜,依旧是古装传奇!现在终于确定啦,第二部的演员还是原班人马!胡歌、王凯、靳东、吴磊都会参演! 重磅重磅...

Before heard "Langya List" producer Hou Hongliang said, will make a second! It is a new story, but there are Langya Langya Court and charts, is still legendary costume! Now finally determine the matter, the second part of the actor or of the same people! Hu Ge, Wang Kai, Jin Dong, Wu Lei will be participating! Heavy Heavy ...