新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英菲尼迪在华面临增长乏力难题 总经理离职

英菲尼迪在华面临增长乏力难题 总经理离职

Infiniti growth problem in China The general manager's departure

2016-02-02 10:12:14来源: 环球网

近日总经理的离职,给正处于“后合资时代”扩张期的东风英菲尼迪后续增长蒙上了阴影。1月27日,英菲尼迪汽车有限公司官方宣布,东风英菲尼迪及英菲尼迪中国总经理戴雷已决定离开公司。业内普遍认为,戴雷在创造了“在华增长最快豪华品牌”的佳绩后突然选择离开,折射出东风英菲尼迪面临的增长乏力难题。 ...

Recently the departure of the general manager, is in a "joint venture era" after the expansion of dongfeng infiniti shadow over subsequent growth. On 27 January, infiniti automobile co., LTD., officially announced, dongfeng infiniti and infiniti dailey, general manager of China has decided to leave the company. Industry is generally believed that dailey in created the "fastest growing luxury brands in China" suddenly choose to leave after success, reflecting the growth problem of dongfeng infiniti. ...