新关注 > 信息聚合 > 萌爆了!北极熊幼崽集体卖萌拍大头照(图)


Burst out! Polar bear cub collective act loving headshot (Figure)

2015-05-24 12:20:07来源: 东北网

北极熊幼崽萌照。 【环球网综合报道】据英国《镜报》报道,日前,美国野生动物摄影师基里亚科斯 卡兹尔斯(Kyriakos Kaziras)在网上公布了一组北极熊幼崽各种萌照,立刻萌化了众网友的心,走红网络。 你看我可爱吗。 这组北极熊萌照拍于北冰洋边缘的波弗特海。照片中,北极熊好...

polar bear cub adorable photos. [global network reported, according to the British "mirror" reported, recently, American wildlife photographer Sotirios Kyrgiakos Katzir J kyriakos Kaziras online announced the a group of polar bear cub all adorable photos immediately sprouting the hearts of all the users, popular network. Do you see me lovely. This group of polar bears Mengzhao shot in the edge of the Arctic Ocean's Beaufort sea. Photo, polar bear good...