新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吉利加速SUV布局 平衡“轿车销量导向”

吉利加速SUV布局 平衡“轿车销量导向”

Geely accelerate SUV Layout Balance car sales oriented"

2015-08-20 09:51:26来源: 中国广播网

面对合资品牌接二连三的价格战攻势,自主车企已经在二三线市场开打“反击战”。 8月16日,吉利汽车西安国利、陕西德丰双旗舰店在西安西部汽车城正式开业。为烘托气氛,汽车城内两家实力雄厚的吉利旗舰店—...

In the face of the joint venture brands one after another price war offensive, independent car prices have started "counterattack in the two or three line of the market". August 16th, Geely Automobile Xi'an, Shaanxi de Feng double flagship store in the western city of Xi'an officially opened. To heighten the atmosphere, the strength of the two Geely Automobile City flagship store-...

标签: SUV