新关注 > 信息聚合 > 法兰克福车展:捷豹首款SUV全球首发并公布价格


The Frankfurt Motor Show: Jaguar's first SUV world premiere and published price

2015-09-15 12:15:53来源: 中国新闻网

(记者 郭涛) 法兰克福车展开幕前夜,捷豹首款SUV--全新F-PACE正式全球首发,并成功创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录。 全新F-PACE正式全球首发 捷豹路虎全球首席执行官施韦德宣布,捷豹全新...

(reporter Guo Tao) Frankfurt Motor Show the eve of the opening of the, the Jaguar's first, while those in new F-PACE officially the world's first, and succeeded in creating the new Guinness Book of world records. The new F-PACE officially the world's first Jaguar Land Rover CEO Schwed announced that the new jaguar...

标签: SUV