新关注 > 信息聚合 > H3 BPM+钉钉/企业微信,企业移动办公的最佳选择

H3 BPM+钉钉/企业微信,企业移动办公的最佳选择

H3 WeChat BPM + nailing/enterprise, the best choice for enterprise mobile office

2017-11-29 17:43:04来源: DoNews

在行业内,有这样一个认识:是不是风口,要看有没有科技巨头抢占这个市场。随着互联网+的大背景,移动办公早已站在风口上,无论是坐拥500万家企业的阿里钉钉,还是占微信60%市场的企业微信,都在深耕移动办公领域,并战略性在企业级云服务市场广布局。大环境中,也预示着该市场的远大前景,据第一财经商业数据中心的一份报告显示,移动办公平台的市场规模增长迅速,预计2017年将达到54.1亿元,2020年移动办公平台市场规模将达到120亿元。风口有多热,市场上的需求缺口就有多大,问题是如何带领企业快速打造“云未来”——移动办公,H3 BPM率先做出了新尝试。融合让企业信息化的更高效移动办公一直是企业级市场中出现...

In the industry, whether there is such a know: tuyere, depends on whether there's a technology giant preempted the market. As Internet + big background, mobile office has already stood on the tuyere, whether it is ali nailing with 500 enterprises, or 60% of the WeChat WeChat market enterprises, both in the field of deep mobile office, and strategic in an enterprise wide cloud services market layout. Environment, and indicates the broad prospects of the market, according to the first commercial data center of finance and economics, according to a report of the mobile platform of a rapid increase in the size of the market, is expected to reach 5.41 billion yuan, 2017, 2020 mobile office platform market scale will reach 12 billion yuan. Tuyere how hot, how big is the market demand gap is, the question is how to lead the enterprise quickly create future "cloud" - mobile office, H3 BPM has made a new attempt. Fusion for enterprise information more efficient mobile office has been in the enterprise market...