新关注 > 信息聚合 > 坪效是传统超市的5倍以上!京东首家线下生鲜超市7FRESH开业


Ping effect is 5 times more than traditional supermarket! Jingdong first line 7 fresh fresh supermarket opened

2018-01-04 12:30:39来源: DoNews


In soft opening six days later, on January 4, 2018, jingdong to build the first line of fresh supermarket - 7: square store fresh as well, the official opening. Although the second day is lunar solar term "slight cold", the coldest season of the year is coming, but for "a day, 7 days a week of fresh" curious and just need to let family square in front of pedestrians. 7: square store fresh wine ceremony, announced the opening! 7: square store fresh, with a total area of more than 4000 square meters, back against the jingdong, jingdong fresh, consumer can be in 7 fresh hand picked fresh food from all over the world. Soft opening period, average daily revenue daily traffic reach more than ten thousand people; Soft opening on the first day, and seven freshapp comparison of registered users online growth of 3000% on the first day. As jingdong retail ecological open assigned to the first "model", most of the goods in stores are available in seven fresh independent APP...

标签: 京东