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谷歌重启Android One是新生还是重蹈覆辙

Google to restart the Android one is new or repeat

2015-08-11 11:10:11来源: DoNews

如果不是近日谷歌宣布在印度市场重启其去年发布的针对印度等新兴市场的低价智能手机操作系统Android One的话,相信业内的多数人都已经将其忘记。那么是何原因让Android One表现不佳,甚至一度被终止?谷歌重启Android One有多少胜算?众所周知,作为2014年I/O大会谷歌宣布的Android One项目曾被谷歌给予了很大的期望,即利用Android One尽量收回对于Android系统,确切地说是Android生态系统的控制权,至少按照谷歌的目标是在下一个10亿手机用户中,让更多OEM厂商采用Android One系统及谷歌的原生应用(例如Google Maps、Gmail、Y...

if not Google recently announced to restart the released last year for India and other emerging markets, low-cost smart phone operating system, Android, one in the Indian market, I believe the majority of people in the industry have the forget. That is why let the Android one poor performance, even once be terminated? Google restart Android one have much chance of winning? As we all know, as the 2014 I / O conference Google announced that the Android one project was Google gives great expectations, namely the use of Android one as far as possible to recover to the Android system, exactly said is control of the Android ecosystem, at least according to Google's goal is in the next 10 million mobile phone users, let more OEM manufacturers using Google Android one system and native applications (e.g., Google maps, Gmail, y...

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