新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016年中国政法大学自主招生自荐信范文


Recommendation letter of independent recruitment of China University of Political Science and Law in 2016

2016-02-23 16:54:23来源: 中国教育在线

尊敬的中国政法大学自主招生领导: 您好!我是……。我希望能够通过贵校的自主招生实现在中国政法大学学习的梦想。 我出生在一个小城市,父母都是普通工人。我的父母都没有实现他们的大学梦,因此特别重...

Respect of the independent recruitment of China University of Political Science and Law Leadership: Hello....... I hope to be able to realize the dream of studying in China University of Political Science and Law through the independent enrollment of your school. I was born in a small city, my parents are ordinary workers. My parents didn't realize their college dream, so it was very special...