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iPhone 6中国大卖 苹果市场份额首次超小米

IPhone 6 China sell Apple's market share for the first time over the millet

2015-04-05 18:06:36来源: 天极网

根据全球领先的消费者研究机构Kantar Worldpanel公布的最新数据,去年12月至今年2月的三个月内,苹果公司在中国智能手机市场上的销量份额从上阶段(去年11月至今年1月份)的25%增加到了...

according to the latest data from Kantar Worldpanel the world's leading consumer research firm released in December last year, three months to February this year, the Apple Corp in the China intelligent mobile phone market share of sales from the stage (November to January) increased to 25% the...

标签: 苹果