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还等iphone6s曝光吗 美到爆的iPhone7设计图亮相

So iphone6s exposed beauty to burst iPhone7 unveiled the design

2015-08-04 23:52:30来源: 华商网

[摘要]这位设计师设计的iPhone 7,外观上融合了iPhone 4 5风格,边框后盖都是如此,同时保留了iPhone 6的屏幕尺寸,整机看上去顺眼很多,当然也很漂亮。 指望iPhone 6S...

[Abstract] the designer design the iPhone 7, appearance fusion the iPhone 4 5 style, frame cover, while retaining the iPhone screen size 6, the whole looks pleasing to the eye a lot of, and of course is also very beautiful. Count on 6S iPhone...