新关注 > 信息聚合 > "药给力"偷卖处方药 部门明确称网上禁售处方药

"药给力"偷卖处方药 部门明确称网上禁售处方药

"Medicine to force" selling stolen prescription drugs has specifically referred to the ban prescription drugs online

2015-03-13 04:56:10来源: 大河网

消费模式改变,让各个业态的O2O异军突起。不过,北京商报记者发现,目前医药O2O平台良莠不齐,“药给力”等品牌甚至违反国家禁令销售处方药。 调查:O2O品牌卖处方药 互联网药品经营早在十几年前...

Changing consumption patterns, so that the various formats O2O sprung up everywhere. However, the Beijing Daily reporter found that the current medicine mixed O2O platform, "to force medicine" and other brands and even ban sales of prescription drugs in violation of state. Survey: O2O brand selling prescription drugs Internet business as early as ten years ago ...