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新鸿众进口汽车 情系端午惠在大众

All the imported cars on the Dragon Boat Festival hung Hui in the public

2015-06-17 19:11:17来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 成都 资讯] “五月五,是端阳。门插艾,香满堂。吃粽子,撒白糖。龙舟下水喜洋洋。”这首童谣生动描述了中国人喜庆端午的热闹场景。每逢端午,吃粽子、佩香囊,赛龙舟都是节日里不可或缺的。 ...

[XCAR Chengdu Information "in May five, is the Dragon Boat festival. AI doors, incense mantang. Eat rice dumplings, sprinkle sugar. Dragon Boat Shimizu Kiyoyo." This lively scene rhyme vividly depicts Chinese Festival Dragon Boat festival. During the Dragon Boat Festival, eating dumplings, Sachet, dragon boat racing is an important festival. ...