新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四爷胸肌发达难过“缩骨关” 邓超再现智商黑洞

四爷胸肌发达难过“缩骨关” 邓超再现智商黑洞

Grandpa four chest developed sad "shifty" Deng Chao reproduces the breast muscle of IQ black hole

2015-05-16 08:39:25来源: 中国青年网

吴奇隆胸肌发达难过“缩骨功”这关 腾讯娱乐讯 在昨晚(5月15日)播出的《跑男》中,嘉宾们以明朝两大特工组织对决的方式展开比拼,首轮比赛分别考验了身法、缩骨功和敏锐的触感,缩骨功考验中,“四爷”...

Nicky developed sad "reduced bone work" the Los Angeles last night (May 15) broadcast "in the running man", the guests to battle the two agent organizations in Ming Dynasty exhibition open competition, first round were tested body, reduced bone work and a keen sense of touch, centerline shrinkage bone work test, Siye.