新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世界级大力士于甘肃迭部同台竞力


World class Hercules in Gansu Diebu compete competing force

2015-07-11 11:21:56来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 7月10日,2015迭部国际大力士中国公开赛在甘肃迭部开赛。刘玉桃 摄 来自美国、俄罗斯、波兰和中国的4个国家的16名世界级大力士选手参赛。比赛共设置7个项目:阿特拉斯巨石、挑...

China News Network participate in interactive () on July 10, the 2015 Diebu international strongman China open in Gansu Diebu kick-off. 16 world class players Hercules Liu Yutao photo from 4 countries, Russia, Poland and USA China the entry. The game set a total of 7 projects: Atlas Stonehenge, pick...