新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国家二级运动员今后高考不加分 河南政策正在制定

国家二级运动员今后高考不加分 河南政策正在制定

The national two levels of athletes in the future the entrance points Henan policy is being developed

2014-12-18 08:29:37来源: 中国青年网

制图/郑萌 高校自主招生将在高考后、出分前进行,联考取消 高考还将取消奥赛等6项全国性鼓励类加分项目 昨天,教育部再发两个“重磅”文件:《关于进一步完善和规范高校自主招生试点工作的意见》...

drawing / Zheng Meng university independent recruitment will be carried out in the college entrance examination, entrance examination cancel out front, the college entrance examination will also cancel the Orsay 6 nationwide project encouraged points yesterday, the Ministry of education to send two "heavy pound" file: "on the further improve and standardize the university independent recruitment pilot work opinions"...