新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库里单节7助+加时4分亦无用 神鬼传球空赢喝彩

库里单节7助+加时4分亦无用 神鬼传球空赢喝彩

Curry single section 7 help + overtime 4 points also useless empty win applause

2015-01-28 14:42:57来源: 网易

网易体育1月28日报道: 勇士今天主场迎战公牛,比赛很精彩,库里在传球方面也不时展示出大师风采,神出鬼没的分球让人叫绝。数据上他贡献21分、4篮板、9助攻、3抢断,三分球只有9中2的表现。然而最终...

NetEase sports reported on January 28th: Warrior today home court against the bulls, it was a good game, curry in passing from time to time show master style, the ball come and go like a shadow of the amazing. The data he contributed 21 points, 4 rebounds, 9 assists, 3 steals, three ball only 9 in 2 performance. And finally...