新关注 > 信息聚合 > 衡水桃城区下岗女工张静红:巧手编织创业梦


Hengshui Taocheng District laid-off workers Jing Hong Zhang: skilled weaving entrepreneurial dream

2015-05-07 18:17:58来源: 长城网

长城网衡水5月7日(赵向松 乔建良 扈炜)5月7日从衡水市桃城区委宣传部了解到,41岁的张静红曾是一名下岗职工,经过十几年的摸爬滚打,自主创业,成立了鑫越手工编织厂,不但实现了自己的创业梦,还帮助3...

Greatwall net Hengshui on 7 May 7 (Zhao Xiangsong Jian Liang Qiao Hu Wei) 5 months from the Hengshui City Taocheng District Party Committee Propaganda Department learned, the 41 year old Jing Hong Zhang was a laid-off workers, after more than ten years felt climb roll hit, do poineering work independently, founded the Xin Yue hand weaving factory, not only realize their entrepreneurial dreams, also helped 3...