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王者神将第十二章 完战!入学测验(中)

The twelfth chapter after the war king god! Admission test (in)

2015-02-14 12:48:27来源: 4399

第十二章 完战!入学测验(中) 前文回顾: 蒋云泽吸了一口气,说道:“咱们的目标是速战速决,规定一下战术。华忆彤,我要是没有记错的话你的星彩天赋技能是荆天棘地对吗?” 华忆彤点了点头。 蒋云泽说道:“好,你就使用这个技能拖住对面的一个敌人,减缓他的速度,邵文斌?” 邵文...

twelfth chapter after the war! Admission test (in) previous review: Jiang Yunze took a deep breath, and said: "our goal is to make the quick, tactics. Hua Yi Tong, if I am not mistaken your star talent is the obstacles for? "Hua Yi Tong nodded. Jiang Yunze said: "good, an enemy you will use this skill hold opposite, slow his speed, Shao Wenbin?" Shao wen...