新关注 > 信息聚合 > 太原高架桥下建充电站 电动汽车扫码充电

太原高架桥下建充电站 电动汽车扫码充电

Taiyuan sweep under the viaduct built electric vehicle charging station yards to recharge

2016-04-19 23:09:57来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 4月19日,山西太原,电动出租车在高架桥下新建的充电桩旁充电。中新社记者 武俊杰 摄 4月19日,山西太原,电动出租车在高架桥下新建的充电桩旁充电。中新社记者 武俊杰 摄 与传...

Interact on April 19, taiyuan, Shanxi Province electric taxi new charging pile under the viaduct. China news agency reporters Jun-jie wu was taken on April 19, taiyuan, Shanxi Province electric taxi new charging pile under the viaduct. China news agency reporters Jun-jie wu was taken with the...