新关注 > 信息聚合 > 伊能静携《我是女王》在渝办签售


Annie carrying the Queen "in Chongqing do signings

2015-05-30 07:59:45来源: 华龙网

伊能静 前晚,46岁的伊能静带着由自己监制的书籍《我是女王》,在西西弗书店万象城店举行签售活动,并分享了自己这段时间对人生的感悟:在爱情中没有王位,只有更好的自己。 大概谁也没想到,伊能静最...

Annie last night, the 46 year old Annie with a by their producer's book," my queen ", and in the bookstore Sisyphus Mixc boutique held a book signing event, and share their own during this period of time perception of life: no throne in love, only to better myself. Probably no one thought, Annie Yi most...