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The world's first 3D print run was born

2015-06-27 09:51:29来源: 人民网

据新华社电3D打印的接头加上碳纤维管,不一会儿就可以攒出一辆超级跑车的底盘。造出的跑车重量超轻,从静止加速到每小时96公里仅用时两秒。 美国一家公司就用这种方法制造出超级跑车“刀锋”,称其为全球首辆3D打印超跑。 制造底盘时,用打印出的铝制接头把碳纤维管连接起来,如同玩乐高玩具一...

, according to Xinhua news agency, 3D printing joints with carbon fiber tube, a moment can save a super car chassis. Made of the sports car weight is light, from the static to speed up to 96 kilometers per hour, only two seconds. American company used this method to create a super sports car "blade", known as the world's first 3D printing run. When the chassis is made, the carbon fiber tube is connected by a printed aluminum connector, as if playing a Lego toy...