新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭京飞空降热播剧《执念师》 与梁大维成主仆

郭京飞空降热播剧《执念师》 与梁大维成主仆

Guo Jingfei airborne hit series "hold read teacher" and Liang Dawei into master and servant

2015-05-14 10:45:56来源: 中国娱乐网

郭京飞 执念师 梁大维 执念师 网络奇幻悬疑烧脑剧《执念师》以离奇悬疑的剧情、堪比大片的特技效果和逗趣搞笑的台词获网友热议,多次霸占网络剧收视冠军,成为2015最热网剧之一。演员梁大维在剧中饰...

Jingfei Guo hold read teacher Liang Dawei obsession division network fantasy suspense burning brain drama "obsession division" strange suspense story, comparable to a large special effects and funny funny lines won the netizen hot debate, many times to occupy network drama ratings winner, become 2015 the hottest net of play. Actor Liang Dawei in the drama decoration...