新关注 > 信息聚合 > 春节美味多 别让宝宝吃出积食

春节美味多 别让宝宝吃出积食

Spring baby does not eat more delicious food plot

2016-02-01 21:30:01来源: 39健康网

通常春节期间家里都会准备许多好吃的食物,一些孩子自制力差,经常会一不小心就吃出了积食,然后哼哼唧唧说是难受。如何判断宝宝是否积食?遭遇积食之后爸爸妈妈该如何处理? 宝宝积食的10症状 (1)口...

Usually home during the Spring Festival will be prepared in many delicious foods, some children poor self-control, often accidentally eat a food plot, then groaned said to be uncomfortable. How to determine whether the baby food plot? After Mom and Dad hit the food plot how to deal with? Baby food plot of 10 symptoms (1) mouth ...