新关注 > 信息聚合 > 神驰九州定天下 魔战三国OL今日不删档开启

神驰九州定天下 魔战三国OL今日不删档开启

God set the world war three Chi Kyushu magic OL today does not delete files open

2015-04-15 10:51:03来源: 17173

九州烽火再起,谁能与我争锋!《魔战三国OL》新服「神驰九州」再续传奇,今日15点不删档内测激情开启,将天下掌握在自己手中,谱写一段属于自己的三国传说! 【最强争夺争霸王】 自古王者就有君临天...

Kyushu renewed war, who can be with me! "Magic wars of the Three Kingdoms ol" new clothes "God Chi Kyushu," continued the legend, today 15 does not delete files online passion opened, will hold the world in their own hands and write a to belong to own legend of the Three Kingdoms! [strongest] for the king had Dragon King in ancient days...