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Good meal not late to see who have fun

2015-02-20 05:18:31来源: 环球网

原标题:好饭不怕晚看谁玩得欢 春晚在本质上应该是什么?说白了,所谓春晚,其实不就是大伙一起笑着、闹着、玩着,凑在一起过年吗? 本报特约评论员刘乃康 大年初一,一场小雪不期而至,北京电视台羊年春晚如期开锣。也许是去年的BTV春晚好得实在出人意料,因此对很多北京观众来说,等着、憋...

original title: good meal not late to see who have fun Gala in essence should be what? To put it bluntly, the so-called Spring Festival Gala, in fact is not everybody laughing together, playing, playing, together have the Spring Festival? The special commentator Liu Naikang on New Year's day, a light snow unexpectedly, Beijing TV Gala duly kicked off the year of the sheep. Perhaps the last BTV Spring Festival evening show good really beyond all expectations, so a lot of Beijing audience, wait, hold back...