新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北省廊坊市国地税携手催开便民“税花”


Langfang city, hebei province China land tax to speed up for the convenience of "tax"

2016-04-16 04:14:08来源: 长城网

长城网廊坊4月15日讯(记者 孙泽恒 通讯员 夏旭东 韩明霞)4月15日,廊坊市国地税举行了联合新闻发布会暨纳税人代表座谈会。两局通过共同进驻行政审批大厅、互派人员入驻对方办税服务厅等方式,在办税服...

The Great Wall network - langfang April 15 (reporter Sun Zeheng correspondent Xia Xudong Land tax ming-xia han) on April 15, langfang countries held a joint press conference on behalf of the symposium and taxpayers. Two innings through into the hall of administrative examination and approval, shall be such as the exchange of personnel in the other way, in tax...