新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京11所示范高中获准跨区招生 "东西海"不互招

北京11所示范高中获准跨区招生 "东西海"不互招

Beijing 11 model high school was allowed to cross enrollment "East Sea" are not the

2015-04-12 23:25:18来源: 千龙

千龙-法晚联合报道(记者 赵颖彦 ) 北京四中、十一学校、北师大附中等示范性高中在这个周末相继举办了中招咨询会。记者从多所学校了解到,这些示范性高中今年均不同程度扩招,名额分配指标也较去年再提10%。 今年东、西、海三区示范高中之间不能彼此招生。初步预计今年全市有11所示范高中获准向...

Qianlong - France late joint report (reporter Zhao Yingyan) the Beijing fourth, eleven school, Beijing Normal University, school in this weekend have been held in consultation. The reporter learned from many schools, the school this year are different degrees of enrollment quota allocation index, compared to last year also mention 10%. This year, three between the East West Sea demonstration senior high school enrollment, each other. Preliminary estimates this year's 11 model high school was allowed to...