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NBA新赛季15大控卫:库里成第一 劳森落榜

The NBA season is 15 PG: Lawson curry first failed

2015-09-04 00:34:23来源: 新浪

谁将是新赛季NBA的第一控卫? 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月4日消息,据《体育新闻》报道,当今NBA是控卫唱主角的时代,《体育新闻》日前评出了2015-16赛季十五大控卫,令人惊讶的是,泰-劳森落选,德里克-罗斯只位列第13,克里斯-保罗也不再是第一控卫了。 15、朱-霍利迪 不...

who will be the first guard NBA new season? Sina sports news Beijing standard time on September 4 news, "sports news" reported, in today's NBA is guard sing leading role of era and the sporting news recently named the 2015-16 season 15 point guard, is surprising, ty Lawson defeated, Derek - Ross only ranked No. 13, G Reese - Paul is no longer the first point guard. 15, Zhu - Holliday...