新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青岛商场办3D动漫展惹官司 17幅画赔了20万

青岛商场办3D动漫展惹官司 17幅画赔了20万

Qingdao shopping malls do 3D animation exhibition of lawsuits, 17 paintings lost 20 million

2015-07-06 17:36:35来源: 青岛网络电视台


Qingdao news network 7 July 6 hearing recently, Qingdao intermediate people's Court concluded with animation copyright infringement case, defendant in Qingdao, a shopping plaza and Hangzhou, a culture art planning company without work in Hangzhou, an advertising company license, unauthorized exhibition 3D magic animation works. Qingdao intermediate people's court mediation, the two defendants compensation...