新关注 > 信息聚合 > 业主大字报炮轰业委会成员 被判书面赔礼道歉

业主大字报炮轰业委会成员 被判书面赔礼道歉

The owners of big character posters shelling industry members were convicted of a written apology

2015-01-20 12:23:25来源: 中国新闻网

业主大字报炮轰业委会成员 凭啥要赔礼道歉? 重庆晚报讯 小区业主贴大字报,炮轰业委会一名副主任擅自出租小区物业并把租金占为己有。日前,九龙坡区法院认为该结论无依据,侵犯了他人名誉权,一审判决业主通过书面形式在小区内公开赔礼道歉。 法院审理查明,宋某是九龙坡一家小区业委会副主任之...

owners dazibao shelling industry members on what to apologize? Chongqing evening news owners put up big character posters, shelling Industry Committee a deputy director unauthorized rental of residential property and the rent for himself. Recently, Jiulongpo District Court held that the conclusion without basis, infringement on right of reputation, a judgment by the owners in written form in the area of public apology. The court's investigation, song Jiulongpo is a deputy director of the small business committee of the...