新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿森纳再遭病魔撕碎!2大铁主力重伤好后再重伤


Arsenal suffered another disease apart! 2 iron main injured after injury

2015-01-15 11:12:27来源: 新浪

大片伤病再度侵袭阿森纳…… 新浪体育讯 去年11月,重压之下的阿森纳2比0力克在欧冠势不可挡的多特蒙德,为小组出线打下坚实基础,然而中场大将阿尔特塔的意外重伤却给这场胜利平添了一丝苦涩。经过近两个月的休养,西班牙人本该接近复出,但事实却让人心痛…… 据《泰晤士报》和《镜报》等多家...

large injuries again attacking arsenal...... Sina sports dispatch on November last year, under the weight of the A Senna 2 to 0 over Dortmund in the Champions League group stages be a trend which cannot be halted, to lay a solid foundation, but accidentally injured midfielder Arteta gave this victory has added a bitter. After the rest of nearly two months, the Spaniards should close, but the fact is that the people heartache...... According to "the times" and "mirror" and a number of...